21 February, 2015


IS IT COLD ENOUGH FOR YOU?  I remember this question as a child when one adult greeted another in  cold weaather.  My thoughts went something like this....how cold do most people like it, ot does anyone like the cold, or why was it mainly an adult question?  Sometimes I would have liked to say," It's too cold for me, how about you?  It never was too cold for children to get out and play in the cold white stuff.  It seemed that snow made the temperature easier to bear. I can still heat my mother saying, "don't stay out too long or you will catch your death of cold."  From the little I knew aabout germs I thought that they would be frozen and not able to do any harm.  But I always went inside when she called.  I envied the children whose mothers seemed to have forgotten they were out in the cold.

Most of the conversation here at the beach for the past week or so has been about the cold weather. Fifteen degrees and temps below freezing are becoming the norm instead of a record breaker.  The real problem here in this tourist area is cold weather turns most people away. The ocean and sand are for sunny, warm temps. This doesn't seem true for the "snow birds." They find things to do and usually have a smile on their faces.  They are probably  thinking, if I were home I    would be inside by the fire or out shoveling the walkway.  The beach will be there tomorrow and the next day and forever.

I don't know about you but I can find plenty to do when the cold winds blow.  Just a short list: read a good book, write notes to friends in the "snow country,"  start a gratitude journal, call someone you haven't talked to in a long time, watch an old favorite movie, go through your clothes and fill a large bag with items for the needy, Go through some boxes you haven't unpacked in three or four moves, you might find some susrprises, and while you are doing some of these things, have  a crockpot of soup simmering away for an easy cold weather dinner.

So the next time someone says, "is it cold enough for you?" Answer them, "maybe a little too cold but at least we don't have snow and ice to keep us indoors.  I still love the beach and next summer we will complain about the heat!"

21 July, 2014

Thank You Miss Boots

Where's the Kitty is my first children's book.  It was so much fun to write that I have the second one coming out soon..  It is called, Emma Save the Day, and it has real people's dogs in the book
A book signing should be lots of fun with some dogs in attendance!

"Where's the Kitty" has been well received by the younger set.  Here are some comments

"That is my favorite book."

"Please read me my favorite book, Grandpa.

"This is the best book ever."

"I can read the book myself."  (Said with pride from a little girl who just finished kindergarten)

Lily, a friend's daughter recommended the book.  I would like to buy four."


"You didn't give Miss Boots her lunch

I promise that she did have lunch , that day and everyday!

Thanks everyone for buying the book and saying such nice things.

Darlene Eichler

I promise you, she did have her lunch!

25 November, 2013


A Christmas book signing was held recently at the Book Wharehouse in Myrtle Beach. Local author, Darlene Eichler and Betty Wyles, illustrator of "Where's the Kitty" were there with two other children's authors, Pat David, author of "Hugs, Inc," and Goffinet McLaren, author of "Sullie Saves the Seas. Betty Wyles demonstrated how to draw cats. It was a fun time with Christmas refreshments and door prizes. It's time to Christmas shop and what makes a better gift than a book? No batteries needed! For ways to purchase these books email Darlene at dargeeic@aol.com

28 July, 2013



                                                 WHERE'S THE KITTY

My first children's book is out and on the market as of last week. Betty Wyles, my illustrator. and I have had fun with this adventure.  We have a great publisher and he deserves a good portion of the credit.  It is my opinion that the wonderful and talented illustrator made the book  It was a learning experience for both of us.  Bob O'Brien is a patient and knowledgeable teacher

For those of you who don't know, Miss Boots is my cat who chose me when I visited  the North Myrtle Beach Shelter almost ten years ago.  She is a healthy cat and a joy to be around (most of the time).

There will be a sequel to "Where's the Kitty?"  At the present time the working title is "Purrr-fect." We have promised some dog lovers  we'll have some canines in our next book. I've begun putting the story together in my head but of course it will change many times!

I will post a schedule for book events soon. Betty and I are open to your suggestions.






Your comments are welcomed.



18 May, 2013


Have you ever returned merchandise to the shelf because the check-out line was too long?  Have you ever become impatient when your flight was delayed?  Have you been rude or sarcastic to  a wait staff because your meal was late arriving? Have you become impatient with a spouse or family member because they kept you waiting? The majority of people would probably answer yes to one or more of these questions.  I don't feel that way. I don't mind waiting.  Believe it or not I learn so many things about human nature when I'm forced to wait for my life's adventures to happen. ( No to mention that I often find material for my writing!)

The wait in the airport!   I rather enjoy it. Just think about how many life stories are represented.  Do you ever wonder about the life of the seat mate on the plane? What happened before they came to the airport?  Did they have someone to take them in their arms and say, "I  love you?"  Some passengers seem afraid to make eye contact. Others talk incessantly.  Perhaps thy are on edge about the plane trip. Others seem to be mute.  Even if you need to ask them something you hesitate. Oh well, we he gets up to leave the plane the edge of my  skirt will be free!  He is pretending to be asleep. How do I know?  I'm the mother of four children.  I digress.  Let's go back to the airport waiting room.  I like to play guessing games.  Will the man with the gray hair have a lap top with him.  I say, "No." But after he makes himself comfortable, out comes the expensive piece of electronic equipment.  Mark a zero for me!  Next person... she keeps dialing her cell phone and from the look on her face she isn't getting an answer.  Tears begin to roll down her cheeks.  Then I hear the cell phone ring. She answers and immediately her expression changes  Someone dear to her has been heard from. Write your own story.

Let's change places.  A long line at Wal-Mart.  Any Wal-Mart. Anywhere.  Human nature is the same all over. I have two items to check out...no short lines in sight.  Oh well, choose one and maybe a kind soul will say you can go ahead of them. No such luck but I begin to notice the baby held by a petite young woman who appears to be doing her best to keep him quiet and pay for her groceries.  I start to make faces at the baby.  Slowly his mouth turns up in a smile.  He calms down and a smile shows on the mother's face.  As she picks up the bag of groceries with one hand, she turns and mouths a thank you.

Another scenario...a waiting room in a hospital.  The middle-age couple sit as if they were made of stone.  The door opens and only their eyes move to see the person who came through. It's evident this is not their bearer  of news, good or bad. The man begins to cough and cannot control it. The woman does not react.  I walk to the water cooler and bring him a cup of water.  He takes my hand and whispers a weak, "thank you." Before another hour has passed he and his wife have told me their sad story.  I listen without comment.  They just needed to talk.

Reading has always been a great way to pass the time. I was curious to know what was popular.  Sometimes I twisted my neck out of place trying to read the title on the paperback. These days I would have to get in some one's face to read their NOOK or Kindle.

Times have changed.  But the art of waiting remains one of learned patience and tolerance. If you haven't  mastered the art....try it and you will find that it beats stress and fuming by a mile. And it lowers your blood pressure.